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2 November 2022, Wed. 19:00 - 21:00

On the field of blood in Berlin (Germany)! We are waiting for you on 2022-11-02 at 19:00 at the Humboldt-Saal site, Berlin (Germany).
You can buy tickets for On the field of blood at Concert.ua online

The Ukrainian agency FDECISION invites you to tour the play "On the Field of Blood" based on the play by Lesya Ukrainka with the participation of Ostap Stupka.

Over the past time, the performance has successfully visited numerous international festivals, tours in the cities of Ukraine, Munich, Paris.

The dramatic poem "On the Field of Blood" refers to a number of works by Lesya Ukrainka, written on biblical subjects. In the center of the story is the legend of Judas, overcoming the path from love for Jesus and unconditional faith in his teaching to disappointment, followed by betrayal.

The "field of blood" is a piece of land bought with money received by Judas for treason.
The "Field of Blood" is the soul of a person in which the eternal conflict of Good and Evil lives.

The author, and along with it the stage director Yuri Rasstalny, translates the famous myth into a real story of a man doomed to loneliness for life, as retribution for a crime for which there is no justification.

The motive of guilt-punishment-redemption, behind which is the responsibility of a person for events in the world, the choice between good and evil - these eternal categories became the impetus for continuing work on the biblical theme in the work of Lesya Ukrainka.

In addition to familiarizing the German audience with the Ukrainian performance, the tour has a charitable purpose, part of the funds raised during the tour will be used to purchase the necessary pharmaceutical products for Kyiv hospitals.

Author of the idea, director, musical arrangement / Yuri Rasstalny
Scenography / Fedor Alexandrovich
Musical arrangement / Igor Mamushev
Plastic / Olga Semeshkina
Sound engineer / Oksana Makarskaya, Alexander Krishtal
Lighting designer / Anna Vakhovskaya, Evgeny Golovin, Andrey Kononenko

The production is in Ukrainian with German subtitles!